July 19th, 2023

How to Create an Honesty & Integrity Policy for Restaurant Employees

Honesty & Integrity Policy

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Let’s face it: with endless supplies of food, alcohol and cash, plus poor security systems, there are many opportunities for fraud, dishonesty and theft in the hospitality industry. And every reason why you need a well-written Restaurant Honesty & Integrity Policy is to guide staff and help build a positive culture.

A Restaurant Honesty & Integrity Policy shows your rules and commitment publicly and should be shared with new staff and all employees. Not just in the Staff Handbook but also on the noticeboard in staff areas. You’ll never completely stop dishonesty and theft, but you can reduce it with constant vigilance and supporting your honest staff who want to work in a business that aligns with their values.

Review these sections and use what’s appropriate for your business – discuss with your business and legal advisers as needed. These are designed to be common sense and clear for everyone

Honesty & Integrity Policy for [Cafe Zero]

We’ve written these guidelines to keep our cafe safe, honest, and running smoothly. We know you’ll do your best to follow them. We are all here to create a great workplace where everyone feels respected. If you see anything that doesn’t look right, tell a manager. You won’t be in trouble for doing the right thing.

Understanding Theft: Any theft is an act against our business, its owners, everyone who works here, and those who rely on us. We must protect our workplace together.

Reporting Theft: If you see or suspect any theft, tell the business owner or a senior manager immediately. This could save us a lot of money.

Surveillance: Sometimes, we use security systems to watch over the business to stop theft. This might mean you could be filmed or recorded. By working here, you agree to this.

Pre-Employment Checks: We might ask new employees to allow a police check before they start working. Whether we do this check will be up to us.

Zero Tolerance: We don’t accept any form of theft. We will report all thefts to the police for them to look into. If an employee is caught stealing and we have clear evidence, they might be sacked immediately, depending on the local laws.

Cash, Payments, and POS Handling:

Cash Security: Never leave money out of the till or a safe. Always have two of you present when counting or moving cash. All payments must be rung up immediately after they are made and not saved for later.

Card Payments: Always treat customer cards with care. Only take card payments if the card is there, and process the payment in front of the customer. Never write down or keep any card details.

POS Balancing: Make sure the money in your till matches the POS totals at the end of your shift. This helps us keep everything in order – follow the end-of-shift systems exactly.

Handling Transactions: Don’t sell to yourself, family members or friends. Also, only refund a customer if a manager gives the okay.

Food and Drink Policy: You should not give out free or discounted food or drinks to friends. It’s not fair to everyone else and hurts our business.

Inventory, Deliveries and Keys:

Stock Management: You should not take any stock, including unsold or damaged items, without permission. Always report the correct counts when taking stock and tell a manager if you spot anything unusual. If transferring stock from one department to another (eg from the kitchen to the bar), you must record this carefully and correctly.

Deliveries: Only the assigned employees should accept deliveries, check the goods and sign off. Always keep the back door locked when not in use.

Key Management: Only certain people will have keys or access codes. Tell us immediately if a key goes missing so we can change the locks. If you know the alarm code, always set it when you close.

Personal Property: We respect your personal stuff. We’ve given you a safe place to keep your belongings during your shift, separate from our stock. Make sure everything goes in the right place.

Leftover Food and Staff Meals: Please note that leftover food or meals prepared for staff must be consumed on the premises. Taking these items home is not allowed.

Review these sections and use what’s appropriate for your business – protecting cash and stock is a constant challenge in hospitality, and clearly stating the rules of the business is part of the solution.

Check the other useful blog posts on the Foodie Coaches website…

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